List 100

These are the things I want to accomplish in life. Of course, these are ever evolving so the list might become List 200 (who knows?)

  1. ✅ travel to china
  2. ✅ travel to europe
  3. ✅ travel to the middle east
  4. ❌ travel to japan
  5. ❌ travel to south korea
  6. ❌ travel to south america
  7. ❌ live in morocco
  8. ❌ write a book
  9. ✅ live and work in new york
  10. ❌ become a staff engineer
  11. ✅ release a python package
  12. ✅ release a mobile app
  13. ✅ (keep) contributing to open-source projects
  14. ❌ run a marathon
  15. ❌ learn how to play piano
  16. ❌ get married and have kids
  17. ❌ go to coachella
  18. ❌ learn japanese
  19. ✅ learn mandarin
  20. ❌ learn how to speak arabic
  21. ❌ start a non-profit
  22. ✅ dance on stage in front of an audience
  23. ❌ work as a barista
  24. ❌ build a school in pakistan
  25. ❌ do standup comedy